Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Change of Plans

I was supposed to have a guest post in for you today, but a few of my guest bloggers this year have been behind schedule. Therefore, my lovely readers, today you get lucky. I felt it wouldn't be right to just leave you with nothing today, so piggybacking off yesterday's cover reveal for Sixteen, today I have for you...

the back cover copy!

Yes, here it is! The official summary/blurb for my debut Christian novella, Sixteen:
Nicole "Nikki" Johnson has never gotten along with her mother, so when she meets a great new guy, it's no surprise that Matt's age is all her mom sees. Just because he's twenty-four and she's sixteen doesn't mean he's a creeper! Thankfully, Nikki's dad allows Nikki and Matt to be together and see how things work out. Their relationship is fantastic and Nikki is on cloud nine... 
Until the Fourth of July picnic, when things go too far. Now a very changed Nikki has to make choices that will affect her every relationship - with Matt, her parents, her best friend, and most importantly, God.

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