Thursday, December 5, 2013

Just One Word

Once upon a time, a teenage girl who liked writing and trying new things decided to do this whole New Years thing called One Word 365. She wanted a fun word, a pretty word. She landed on "dream."

She wasn't really expecting it to become a heavy word, a serious word. To that girl, "dream" meant smiles and laughter, anticipation and excitement, happy days and big, bright emotions. Sacrifice? Waiting? That's not what "dream" was about, not for her. No, she wanted to reach out and grasp her dreams - today.

She certainly wasn't expecting to learn about failure. She was after success!



Sometimes, she reached those dreams. She took the leap, followed her dreams. Sometimes, she helped others reach theirs. There were dreams during that year she didn't even realize she had, that pushed her on to greater things than she'd expected, imagined.


But more than anything, she learned. Oh boy, she learned a whole crazy mess of things - about God, about the Bible, about herselfabout her future.

Now there's me. I'm not that girl, that sixteen-year-old stepping out into the world of publishing for the first time. I'm not the girl who chose to dream. I am, however, a girl who knows how to reach her dreams, how to learn hard lessons and take daring, scary leaps.

And now I am a girl ready for a new word and a whole new year of changing. Who will I be next year? I don't know yet. A published author. A college student. A legal adult. But who, exactly, that girl is, waits for me to come and live her.


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