Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Blog Tour: Cave Secrets of the Pterodactyl + Giveaway!

About the Book:
Cave Secrets of the Pterodactyl:Traveling with her parents brings Lydia, daughter of explorer and singer Buddy Davis, plenty of adventure and mystery - from hidden clues in bookstores to cave paintings deep underground.

About the Author: 
Whether she’s building life-sized models of dinosaurs with her adopted family, trying her hand at cooking at a private retreat, or living in a barn, author Aidyl Ewoh (aka Lydia Howe) seems to have adventures follow her wherever she goes. Check out her book, Cave Secrets of the Pterodactyl and find out more about her at her BlogFacebook, and Twitter
Signing a book for my brother at the Creation Museum the night my book was released

My Introduction to Answers in Genesis, Part One: 

I’m not even sure when or how or even why exactly I started liking Answers in Genesis (referred to as ‘AiG’ from now on) in the first place. I know the first thing I remember watching from them was Dinosaurs, Genesis and the Gospel which was a DVD for kids. It was of a speaking engagement Ken Ham had in front of a live audience of mostly children. Buddy Davis sang four songs throughout the presentation, and I fell in love. I would set our mini DVD player up on our kitchen counter and play the songs over and over again. 

Then came the day when our family got a reliable fifteen-passenger van so we didn’t have to travel with the constant fear of the brakes on our current van suddenly stopping mid-hill and a crash occurring. As a celebration, we headed to Cincinnati for the weekend where we planned on going to the zoo and the then-recently-opened Creation Museum

I was sick with a cold and had lost my voice. Feeling quite miserable, I asked to stay home. Since I was only 14 at the time, Mom informed me if I didn’t feel well enough to go, that was fine, but she would stay home with me. Not wanting my sweet mommy to miss out on the family’s fun, I opted to go after all. Despite barely being able to rasp out anything the first half of our trip and only being able to mutely point and occasionally whisper for the second half, it remains as one of my favorite family trips ever. (Ok, favorite anything ever!)

The Creation Museum was more than spectacular. It was more than amazing. It was more, more, more than anything I could have imagined or described or wished for. It was (and still is) one of the coolest places I have ever been. If I would have known then that I would one day walk down the halls in the Staff Only areas with people calling out to me by name and my own VIP lanyard with an access key on, I probably would have fainted. If I would have known that I would be Buddy and Kay Davis’s adopted daughter and have my book, published by AiG, being sold in the Museum bookstore, I probably would have died for pure joy. Even now I am overwhelmed beyond belief at how dreams come true. 

When we were done going through the Museum, we were in the bookstore, looking around. And there, low and behold, I saw... Buddy Davis CD’s! I was so thrilled and excited and of course asked Mom right away if we could buy some. She said she would have to ask Daddy (who had already gone out to the van). So I eagerly waited until we could ask him and he said yes! So, Mom and Dad went back into the Museum and bought the three Buddy Davis CD’s that were in there. Picture me perfectly contented, listening to a full Buddy Davis CD for the first time ever. Oh, happy days! Part two coming soon to a blog near you... 

For a chance to read the second half of this story and get the answer to the True or False question, check out THIS blog, tomorrow!

Giveaway time!

One winner will receive a copy of Cave Secrets of the Pterodactyl, as well as A Pocket Guide to Dinosaurs! Since the prizes are physical books, not ebooks, open to US addresses only. Sorry, international readers! You guys can still enter Caitlin Hensley's giveaway.

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