Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Guest Post: Jillian Haggard, Keeping Christ in Christmas

Keeping Christ in Christmas
by Jillian Haggard

Holiday music drifts from hidden speakers in department stores. Lines wrap around the local mall, filled with bright-eyed children who have waited all year to see Santa Claus. Women bustle from store to store with large shopping bags tucked under their arms, as they fumble with coupons and Christmas lists. This is Christmas.

There's nothing wrong with the annual Christmas traditions that have become so prevalent in society. In fact, I love Christmas trees, presents, and chocolate advent calendars! However, I think that we often get caught up in the middle of these traditions and lose sight of what this season is truly about: Jesus.

This Christmas, let's try not to forget about Christ. In the midst of the busy season, don't forget this is a crucial time to volunteer and make a difference in someone's life. Is there someone on the street who won't be able to afford a Christmas dinner? Do you know of a family who has recently lost a loved one? Is there an organization in need of volunteers this season? Look around and see if you can help someone out. Even if all you do is smile at a stranger, you can help brighten someone's day.

Here are some other things you can do to keep Christ in Christmas:

-Open the Bible on Christmas Day. Sometimes with all the excitement on Christmas morning and the presents under the tree, it's easy to forget about His Word. Read Luke 2 for the Nativity story.

-Sing Christmas carols that focus on Jesus. We all have favorite Christmas songs (my favorites include "What Child is This" and "Silent Night"). Sing with your family and friends to share the Christmas spirit and reflect on your faith. Even better, see if you can get a group together to go caroling!
-Set up a Nativity scene in your house.
-Keep an advent wreath or calendar.
-Remember the gift of giving. This is one of the most special things at Christmastime. Give something to a stranger who can't pay you back. Do something from your heart with no benefits for yourself.

So. When you leave your house today, live like Jesus would. Brighten someone's day. Make this Christmas special. No matter what you're going through this Christmas season, do your best to live as Christ would. Remember, we are the light of the world and this is a perfect time to let your light shine (Matthew 5:14).

And to get you in the mood of Christmas, here's one of my favorite songs from Francesca Battistelli, called "Christmas Is." Have a blessed holiday!


Jillian Haggard is a teenage girl, dreamer, and adventure-seeker. She dabbles in a variety of genres, but especially loves writing historical fiction and suspense. When she's not writing, Jillian is often reading, dancing, or singing. She adores dark chocolate, typewriters, tea, and God's beautiful world. Jillian blogs about books, writing, and life over at

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