Thursday, December 12, 2013


All images from

Hang the holly, trim the tree, wrap the presents, and party with me! That's right, my lovely readers - today we kick off our totally amazing holiday blog party!

If you're new here, don't be shy - we're all quite friendly, I promise. This is my third annual blog party, which doesn't have an official name. Why? Because it starts on my blogoversary and runs through Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hannukah, and New Year's until, finally, we end on my birthday. That's over a whole month of partying! I never could settle on what to call such a massive celebration, so I just went with "Party." Keeping it simple... or something like that.

How does this party work? I'm glad you asked. :)

Every year, we have a mix of guests featured. I interview authors - both traditionally published and indie/self-pubbed. Other bloggers from around the blogosphere stop in to talk about winter, writing, a specific holiday, Christianity, cooking, and other fun topics. (I let them pick whatever they want, because really, there's not many limits in a whole month of celebrations!) Of course, a party this magnificent requires great gifts - so Etsy sellers and my interview authors bring presents!

I'm totally psyched for this year's lineup, and if you could see the schedule, you would be too. With all the fun gifts and awesome personalities coming in, you won't want to miss a single day! The best way to stay in the loop is to follow my blog - I have plenty of options available: GFC, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, RSS feed, Networked Blogs, or (my personal favorite) email. You can find your venue of choice in the right-hand sidebar on this blog.

For just an idea of what's in store this year, here's a smattering of the guests we'll be seeing...

Elizabeth Liberty Lewis
An author of an Answers in Genesis book
S. J. Aisling
A future Olympist!
Hannnah Stewart
An original artist from Etsy
Frances Hardinge
Two paranormal authors (unusual for me!)
C. F. Barrows

...and, of course, many more! So let's get this party started!

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