Wednesday, October 19, 2011

M is for...

Miniature Cupcakes

This is my last cupcake post for the year, I promise!  But when I came to 'm,' all I could think was 'my' or 'mini'... so then I thought of the millions of mini cupcakes we made for Cupcake Day 2011!

From right: my wonderful mother, who gave up her only sleep-in Saturday this month to get us to the church and bake all day; my brother Jon; and Joseph, a volunteer from the middle school group.  In the left/background area, you can see my brother Eddie's head behind another volunteer, RJ.

My mother's and friend Hannah's hands frosting the first of the cupcakes.

Cupcakes! Yum. :)

And more cupcakes! Only prettier this time ;)

My best friend Ashlee and my boyfriend Nathan passing out cupcakes and flyers to church members by one of the main doors.

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