Monday, October 3, 2011


America has certain days during which we remember things of the past - usually lives lost and tragedies that occurred on that day in history.  One such day that passed recently was the tenth anniversary of 9/11.  Another obvious day is Memorial Day.

Today is a lesser-known one of these days.  Today is the day that Americans remember the millions of lives lost and the tragedies that have occurred since January 1973.  Today is Pro-Life Memorial Day.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton in 1973, 53 MILLION babies have been surgically and medically aborted - millions more have been killed chemically. This staggering death toll is the direct result of these two decisions.
On the first Monday in October, the U.S. Supreme Court begins its new term. This is a day on which pro-lifers across the nation will mourn the victims of America's hidden holocaust: abortion.
Who will hear the cries of these preborn children? Who will be their voice? Who will mourn their deaths? On October 3rd, thousands of Americans will be mourning the victims of abortion by gathering for prayer and candlelight vigils at the U.S. Supreme Court and abortion facilities nationwide.
~from Pro-Life Memorial Day website

Here at Struggles of a (Maybe) Teen Author, we're having our own virtual vigil.  At exactly 7:30 PM, I am taking a minute of silence.  60 seconds of prayer.  60 seconds without a voice, in memory of the millions who will never have even 60 seconds with one.  I ask you to join me.

The abortion holocaust is not over yet.  But if we never forget its hidden terrors - if we never stop fighting to save these children's lives - then, one day, it will be.

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