Thursday, October 13, 2011

Abortion Flyer

After this weekend's Cupcake Day, I thought you might like to read the flyer I made.

The Truth About Abortion

Abortion is defined as “the termination of a pregnancy through the death of the embryo or fetus; especially the medical procedure of killing and expelling a human fetus to terminate a pregnancy.” (Webster’s Medical Dictionary)

One out of every three American women will have an abortion by age 45.  18% of these women are teenagers.  58% are in their twenties.  85% are unmarried.

 African-American children are aborted at five times the rate of white children.  In fact, Planned Parenthood – the largest abortion provider in the United States – was originally founded to rid America of blacks.

About 1.21 million abortions occur yearly in America.  It is the most common surgical procedure in the country, and it is legal through all nine months of pregnancy in all fifty states.

Planned Parenthood has released statistics proving that 93% of abortions are performed on healthy mothers with healthy babies.  Less than 1% of abortions are performed because the baby is the result of rape or incest.

In 2007, 31,038 abortions were performed in Georgia.  68% of the mothers were under the age of thirty.  6% were under eighteen.  81% were unmarried.  70% were an ethnicity other than white.

The most common method of abortion is the Suction Aspiration, or Vacuum Aspiration, procedure.  Basically, this procedure uses a surgical vacuum tube to rip apart the baby’s body, limb from limb, and suck all the pieces into a jar.

Another common method is the non-surgical abortion.  This involves the mother taking a drug which compromises the uterus and starves the baby to death.  Another drug then causes the mother to go into labor and deliver a dead body.  Morning-after contraception pills are a form of non-surgical abortions.

In a dilation and curettage abortion, the baby is cut into pieces, its skull is crushed, and the parts are scraped out of the mother’s womb.  In a partial-birth abortion, or dilation and extraction, the baby is delivered feet-first and head down until its body is out but its head is still within the womb.  The brain is then sucked out through the base of the skull and the body is disposed of.

Georgia Statistics:

 Why Abortion Is Wrong

Biologically and scientifically speaking, both human and animal life begins at conception.  The abortion procedures are brutal and cruel, often causing the baby and the mother physical pain.  The mother - and those involved with her decision - rarely has an abortion without long-lasting psychological effects.

One of the most well-known Bible passages is that of the Ten Commandments.  Within this passage is the command not to kill.  Abortion ends a life, plain and simple.  However, many Christians know little about this evil; those that do rarely do much about it.

James 1:27 says that pure religion includes visiting the fatherless in their affliction.  Are not the unloved and unwanted babies of this world truly fatherless in spirit?  Psalm 82:3-4 goes further and commands Christians to “defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.  Deliver the poor and needy:rid them out of the hand of the wicked.”

Leviticus 20:1-5 tells us of God instructing the Israelites not to allow the giving of children to Molech.  Molech was a pagan god worshipped by child sacrifices; God warns that any who participate in or allow such sacrifices will be cut off from Him.

In Jeremiah 19:4-6, God says that a certain valley will be renamed the “Valley of Slaughter” because it has been filled with the blood of innocents.  A little bit of research will show that abortion definitely sheds innocent blood.

Throughout the Bible, Christians are commanded to take no part in evil doings, but rather to stop them.  Ephesians 5:11 says not to have anything to do with evil works; but it also commands us to reprove, or expose, them.  Proverbs 31:9 commands us to “plead the cause of the poor and needy.”

While God loves all people – including those that abort their babies or that commit the act itself – He includes “hands that shed innocent blood” in a list of things He hates most.  (Proverbs 6:16-19)

There are other verses that speak about innocent blood, aiding the defenseless, and other relevant topics; several are listed to the right.  If the points made here do not stir you to action in some way, I pray that God will touch your heart and open your eyes to the evils committed in abortion facilities across the nation and the world.

Other verses to consider:

Proverbs 24:11-12; Exodus 1:17-21; James 2:15-16; Psalm 106:37-38; John 8:44

All Bible quotes taken from the King James Version.

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