Saturday, October 1, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day Two - A Favorite Movie

Like I said last week, I don't really have favorites. (I mentioned color and blogger as the two constants: I forgot cereal! - Cheerios, of course.) But I do have several movies I enjoy, so today I'm cheating and sharing more than one. :) I suppose that's a bad idea, cheating when it's only day two...

So, movies I love:

~ Christy movies I much prefer the television show, but the third and last of these continuations is such a perfect ending.

~ Disney's Tangled Their love isn't first sight (ick). The music is good. The guy actually has a personality and a back story and looks like a person. Also, I have this thing for hair...

~ Disney's Beauty and the Beast Again, no love-at-first-sight, good music, guy has a personality and story... plus I am a sucker for all things Beauty and the Beast related, as we will learn when we get to favorite television shows.

~ Left Behind trilogy I am in love with Buck. Have been since I met him in the books, and will probably always be.  (Ditto with Chloe.) Whenever I see Kirk Cameron I see Buck, and I don't even know Chloe's actress's name - she will always be Chloe to me. Another thing: the movies are so totally awesome, but the books are better. I never finished them, though. (I lost the ninth book and by the time I found it I had no clue where I'd left off or what was going on.)

~ Fairy tales retold Thinking of Ella Enchanted, A Cinderella Story, Another Cinderella Story... you get the picture. Most redos are Cinderella, but if it isn't Shrek-oriented (ughck! hate him!) then I'll probably enjoy any fairy tale redo.

~ Amazing Grace You know, the movie that features "Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone." It has amazing actors and actresses and is full of truth and emotion surrounding a previous battle as passionate and controversial as today's social/political/moral war over abortion. Really, there are more similarities than I could list. Maybe that's why I love this movie so much. It's probably the only 'true-story' movie I love as much as fiction.

So there you have it. Just a sampling of what I enjoy. Trust me, if you could see our Netflix queue and history, you'd realize what a movie addict I am. But then, I'm always after the story - book, movie, song, poem, photo, whatever: the story is what I want.

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