Tuesday, October 4, 2011


If there are any guys reading this, sorry, but today happens to be girls-only.  Come back tomorrow for gender-neutral content. :P

Seriously, guys, why are you still reading?  I said see you later!

With this bloggy schedule of mine, I've been posting various lists each Tuesday.  They might be lists of things I like or don't like, or things I've done or hope to do, or just a random list I found on somebody else's blog.  This week, while racking my brain for a good list idea, I realized I've never talked about the ultimate Lists.  Ladies, you know what I'm talking about - that List of everything your future S.O. Must and Must Not Be.  Even if you don't have one, I'm sure you've heard of them.  Some ladies have eight-page Lists, right down to the birth date and hair color.  (Yikes.)  Others only have one or two things on their Lists, but those one or two things are absolutely nonnegotiable.

I, in fact, made a List a few months ago.  I've made additions and revisions with time.  My List was originally copied out of Titus and 1 Timothy.  As time passed, I added qualities I admired in the guys I saw around me.  As I considered how lengthy and repetitious the List grew, I took some things off and consolidated others.  At the moment, here's what my List looks like:

He Must Be...
~Grounded in his specific beliefs
~Respectful to his parents/authority
~Christ-like (clean speech, appropriate behavior in different situations)
~A good leader
~Kind to his siblings
~Clear-headed, sensible
~Honest - 100%
~Growing spiritually
~Can read me well, understanding
~Makes me laugh
~Good with children
~Loyal, trustworthy

He Must Not Be...

Obviously, nobody's perfect, but I'm not talking isolated incidents here.  You know when a guy is acting out of character, and when he's just being himself.

So, single ladies, do you have a List?  Care to share what's on it?  And to the married women - did you have a List at some point?  How well do you think your husband matches your List?  Any recommendations for ladies like myself, who are still working on their List?

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