Saturday, December 17, 2011

Book Review: The Christmas Conversation

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The Christmas Conversation by Leslie Ovid Vance Hargrett
Who really personifies Christmas - Jesus or Santa Claus?  Must we choose?

For my December Dorrance review, I just had to have a Christmas book.  There were so many to choose from, but as soon as I read the description for this book, I knew it was perfect.  I didn't know it was a picture book, but I still enjoyed it.  In this black and white kid's picture book, Santa and Jesus discuss why Santa is important at Christmastime.  Santa's worried he's taking too much attention off his Lord, while Jesus explains why Santa is relevant in culture today.

I love the pictures.  The cover is beautiful and detailed, while the pictures inside are more simple and, honestly, would make a fabulous coloring book.  (A story and coloring book all in one! Score!)  While I know Jesus didn't look anything like this popular image, this image is the one Western culture has come to recognize and associate with Him.  And, of course, we all know Santa.  The storyline is exactly what the title says: a short conversation between a famous character and a holy God, both associated with the same holiday.

To summarize the story, Santa complains about the unthankfulness he receives and the greed and selfishness of the people he serves.  Then he worries that he's taking too much focus off the Reason for the season.  Jesus commands Santa to be at peace and realize the good things about his life and job.  Jesus then assures Santa that he must continue his job, for he is a symbol of hope to those who have yet to believe in the Source of Hope.

I think this is a great book for young Christian kids who believe in Santa but have heard the talk about his not being real or the Jesus vs. Santa debate.  I'm not saying I think every child should believe in Santa - that's the parents' choice - but for Christian parents who choose to 'do Santa,' I think this is a great book.

There were a few minor grammar errors - misused punctuation, mixed verb tenses, plural problems, etc. - but otherwise the mechanics of the writing were nice.

I give this book four stars.

I received a free copy of this book from the Dorrance Book Review Team in exchange for this review.  All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone.

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