Thursday, December 22, 2011

White Chocolate Pretzel Candy Clusters {guest post}

Here's that food I promised you!  Like I said, a party's not a party without food.  :)  Today we have Rachel visiting us, and sharing this great holiday recipe.  From the photos alone, I'm already craving one of these! Yum...

Hello everyone! :D I'm Miss Rachel from Young Homemakers! It's such a pleasure to be able to be here with you all. We're going to have lot's of fun in the kitchen today so let's go! ;)

This recipe is really nice for those last-minute Christmas parties or gifts! It doesn't take long and it turns out so pretty. Mmm, delicious too! Make sure you get the little ones involved with's so much fun!

 White Chocolate Pretzel Candy Clusters
{Adapted from Taste of Home}


  • 1 cup pretzel sticks
  • 1 cup salted peanuts
  • 1 cup candy coated chocolate pieces
  • 1 cup crisp rice cereal
  • 8 ounces white baking chocolate, chopped {the better the quality, the easier the time you will have in melting it}
  • 1 Tbsp. shortening {If you are using a very good quality white chocolate, you may be able to reduce this amount}

1. Line a baking sheet with wax paper; set aside. In a large bowl combine the rice cereal, pretzels, peanuts, and candy coated chocolate candies; set aside.

2. In a small bowl or saucepan/double boiler, stir the shortening into the white chocolate Microwave: Melt chocolate in microwave at 30 second intervals; stirring after each minute, so as not to burn/overcook the chocolate. Stove-top: melt on *low* heat, stirring continuously until the white chocolate is completely melted and smooth.

Once the white chocolate is melted pour it over the snack mixture in the bowl. Toss and stir together with a spatula until well-combined.

3. With two large spoons, scoop out some of the mixture and drop it onto the wax-lined baking sheet. You may need to push the clusters together a little with your spoons so  they "stick" together. Have fun with this part...they won't come out  perfect and they just have a nice rustic appearance to them. ;) HeHe!

**This is where the little ones can help out - hand them a couple of spoons and either guide their hands with them or let them scoop the clusters out on their own onto the baking sheet. They'll feel so big and helpful! :D

Allow the clusters to set up for at least 20 minutes before removing from the wax paper. If you are going to store these immediately or will be gifting them, I would leave them even longer so the chocolate has more time to set and come to room temperature. (If you're in a hurry, you can place in the fridge for a bit before packaging).

Note: For those with peanut and/or nut allergies, you can replace the peanuts with cashews, almonds, or pecans or leave them out completely if you'd like!

~ ~ ~
For a fun and easy Christmas gift, wrap these up in pretty cellophane treat bags from your local craft store, put in a pretty paper box or tin, or serve on a holiday tray! :D

I hope you and your family will enjoy making, eating, and giving these sweet treats this Christmas!

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." ~ Luke 2:14

Thank you Emily Rachelle for asking me to be a part of your special blog project! :D

God's blessings to you all and Merry Christ-mas!
~Miss Rachel~

Miss Rachel is a 25-year-old  homeschool graduate, delighting in the ways she can serve her family and  her Lord from home. Some of the things she enjoys include  cooking/baking, sewing and a myriad of other crafts, old fashioned things, writing to friends,  singing with her family, blogging with her friends, her sister, and on Young Homemakers, and spending time learning from God's Word.

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