Saturday, December 31, 2011

Giveaway: In Their Sandals by Rand Hummel

Guess what?  It's time for another present!

This time, I bought a little something just for my lovely readers.  Actually, this one's more for moms with middle-school-age writers (or said writers, if there are any that age at our party).  It's a great book titled Creative Writing That Puts You In Their Sandals by Rand Hummel and Jeff Diedrich.

This writing how-to, while not marketed to any specific age group, seems to me like it's meant more for middle-school writers.  Younger kids may well enjoy it, too, but I think it will be a little too easy for the majority of teen writers.  This book takes seven Bible stories and breaks them into seven lessons.  Each lesson is broken into five days, so you can easily complete one lesson per week - making it a seven-week 'course.'  After some writing tips and a word on things like voice and description, the authors jump into writing.

The focus of the book is not only learning to write stories, but learning to truly imagine ourselves inside Bible stories - to smell the salt of the ocean after Jonah was swallowed by the fish, or feel the complex emotions Joseph experienced throughout his life, or hear the grumbling of everyone's stomachs just before Jesus fed the 5,000.  These three Bible stories, as well as demon-possessed pigs, an indignant Jesus throwing moneychangers out of the temple, Christmas night from the innkeeper's perspective, and Noah's ark are all revisioned through fiction.

And guess what?  This copy's autographed!

I met Rand Hummel at my church's Parent/Teen Conference this November.  He spoke to the parents and teens combined, then did the parent session while a speaker from West Coast Baptist College did the teen session.  The next morning, Mr. Hummel preached the Sunday morning sermon before heading off.  On conference day, after all the sessions were over, I got to meet Mr. Hummel personally.  I told him about this blog and the book I'd bought for you lovely readers, and he signed it and we took a picture:

My very first "famous author meeting!"  Now I feel official...

Who wants this great book?
Giveaway Rules:
- US only, please
- All ages welcome!
- Non-followers welcome!
- Ends January 5

To Enter:
Please leave a comment to enter. If your email address is not listed on your Blogger profile, or you don't have a Blogger profile, please leave an email address so I can contact you if you win.

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