Thursday, December 1, 2011

NaNo Summary/Wrap-Up

Well everyone, I have crawled out from under my NaNoWriMo/Thanksgiving Break/Grandparents' Visit rock and back into the light of everyday life. NaNo's over, we're back to school, and my grandparents went home. We saw The Muppets (it was cute, but not my thing) and I ate just enough turkey (yum!). But I'm sure you're all dying to know how my NaNo went... okay, so a few of you are and the rest are bored to death. I'll tell you anyway.

I failed - but I won.

Let me explain. I failed (miserably) at making my word goal. The adult NaNo goal is 50,000 words. My goal was 20,000 words. I didn't even make 10,000 words. And part of me feels like a pathetic wimp for it.

But I learned how to contain my Inner Editor; I learned how undisciplined I really have become, and what needs to be done to fix this problem; and I broke the horrible Fiction Writer's Block that has been plaguing me since mid-summer. So I'd say my first NaNo, however small my word count, was a huge success.

How did your NaNos go? Any [official] winners here? Any UNofficial winners who would like to share what they learned or accomplished?

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