Friday, December 30, 2011

Time {guest post}

Today Marcia visits us with a beautiful little piece about time and the New Year, approaching in only two days.

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Can you believe it is almost 2012? The words 2012 seem so strange, how the year 2011 has flown by.

I remember New Year's Eve last year, I was in a cabin, in the loft, reminiscing. Wondering what the year would hold...little did I know what joys, and sorrows the days would bring.

The memories are still shining brightly in my mind, all the laughter, the tears, the smiles, the worry, and the fun.

"God gave us memories, so that we might have roses in December" -J.M. Barrie

But time passes so quickly... we are here, but a whispering moment. How much do we really do in our short lives? I mean, how much of our life is actually worth something?

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"Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you." -Carl Sandburg

So, I challenge you, this year...set Resolutions. Not, the normal ones, but strive to know God more, ask God to show you what you are missing, notice the lost, lonely, and hurt, and remember you are His beloved, and He loves you lavishly.

LIVE every moment, LAUGH every day, LOVE beyond words,

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and FOLLOW Jesus wherever He takes you.

A huge thank you to Emily for letting me guest post!!! :)

{via Marcia}
Hello! I'm Marcia... a follower of Jesus, dreamer, lover of vintage things, photographer, coffee and tea lover, and Anne of Green Gables lover, type of girl....  I blog over at Enchanted Musings about random musings, Jesus, photography, my favorite things, and my wonderful {crazy} life.

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