Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Memories {guest post}

Today Sarah Grace has dropped in to share a few words on Christmas.

When I was a little girl, I couldn’t wait for Christmas…Christmas seemed to take forever to come. We counted down the days until Christmas and bought our presents at Dollar Tree a month before Christmas. We did our traditions such as getting a Christmas tree, looking at all the lights on the houses, singing the twelve days of Christmas until Christmas day came, etc. The week before, anticipating Christmas was almost unbearable as my sister, brother, and I awaited it. Christmas Eve we had the family party, and I thought I was so important since I got to stay up late. :) When we got home and I was in bed, I tried to fall asleep right away so that Christmas day would come all the faster…but instead it seemed an eternity till Christmas morning came. Christmas morning my siblings and I were awake at 6:00 AM and bounded into the rooms to get Mom, Dad, and my oldest sister. But, to our disappointment, it was always too early… the morning went by slowly it seemed for me, but soon the time came to open presents…

As I look back, I can’t believe how fast time has gone. My siblings and I no longer wake up at 6:00 … instead, we all sleep as late as possible on Christmas. :) I don’t wait for Christmas anymore... It comes to me even before I am ready for it… I scurry at the last moments to get the rest of my Christmas presents and the “Twelve Days of Christmas” song is no longer sung each day before Christmas. We no longer do some of those Christmas traditions. My siblings are all old… and even I, the youngest, am no longer that little girl that couldn’t wait for Christmas. Change has taken place…

Although change has taken place in our lives, God never changes…He’s the same yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever…and the reason why we celebrate His birth never changes, either. God is so wonderful! 

Merry Christmas!  May God bless all of you, and don't forget the true meaning of Christmas....

   Sarah is a homeschooled student who wants to inspire all and give off the glowing light of Christ... she keeps busy with volleyball, piano, school, ballet, teaching ice-skating (and taking lessons herself),  along with numerous other things. She still manages to maintain her little blog at Breezes through the Meadow, though.  :)

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