Saturday, December 3, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day Eleven - A Photo of You At Least Five Years Ago

Oh my. Exactly five years ago would place me... in a very cold and snowy rural area called Rome, New York.  I was... let's see... almost eleven.  Oh, that was the year Dad was in Korea.  He had just left sometime in October, and we did a present a day for twelve days before Christmas with Mom that year.  She read little explanations of the Biblical meaning behind each gift in the song.  Then on Christmas Day when we opened the rest of our gifts, we tried to include Daddy via webcam but it didn't quite work out, if I remember correctly.  Those were the days of innocence and bliss, where the Internet was wholly unknown to me and the perfect summer consisted of climbing trees and making an Olympic track out of the swingset.  Before Okinawa and teenagers and Facebook.... wow, it was a different life on a different planet.  Literally.  (Almost.)

I don't have any photos - none - from before Oki, so I'll go Google Dad's name and see if I can find his photo website.  (The website has photos from every place we've lived and chronicles practically our entire lives in pictures.)

Whatdyaknow?  It's the second result.  This is kinda cool.

Of course.  It only has photos from every *overseas* place we've been, plus a few vacations.  Arg.  Well, it did say the photo had to be at least five years old, so I guess my around-preschool-age self in Germany would count.  Let's see what we've got...

Wow.  Quite a few.  Although some of them are more focused on the landmarks and buildings in the background, so of course only my family knows who the tiny people are...

Man, this is fun!

Okay, I'm sure you're all bored to death and just want to see the photos already.  I've found several, so I figured I'd share more than one.  Here goes!

Nevermind.  Due to the large number of photos I've found (and how am I supposed to pick just one?!) I'll go make a Kizoa slideshow instead.  Just a sec.

NOW we're ready:

I always thought looking at your own baby photos was boring.  Who would've known how fun preschool photos could be?

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