Thursday, September 29, 2011

40 Days for Life

Annually on September 28 people across the country agree to give up something for 40 days and pray for the end of abortion.  This year is my first time joining this endeavor, and honestly I'm not sure how well it'll go.  I'm determined to stick to my fast by God's grace and to the best of my ability.  However, we have some very special company coming that may require an exception or two.  Also, last time I tried to fast anything didn't go so well.  (Think sobbing at Mom through a cell phone because the cake was chocolate - which was what I had given up.)  Regardless, here is what I'm attempting:

No Digital Entertainment.

This includes, but is not limited to:

~Netflix (or any other video streaming)
~Online games
~Offline video games (CD-ROM's, Wii, etc.)
~Music streaming

The 40 Days for Life fast begins with preparation on September 27.  Then, from September 28 through November 6, everyone fasts and prays individually.  Around-the-clock prayer vigils are held at Planned Parenthoods and other abortion facilities across the nation, and petition and education drives go door-to-door and neighborhood-to-neighborhood in many areas.  College campuses, local churches, and public media are all used as outlets to touch hearts and let people know what's going on and the truth about abortion.

The website features daily devotionals for those participating in the campaign, starting with preparation on September 27 and ending with a closing devotional on November 7.

Author's Note: I do not agree with everything on the 40 Days for Life page, or everything written in the devotionals.  I am sharing these sites for readers to use at their own discretion; I intend to adapt the devotionals and use them myself.

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