Saturday, September 3, 2011


Yes, it's Saturday.  According to my little bloggy schedule, today and tomorrow are my blogging 'days off.'  But thanks to that neat-o feature called scheduling and my overabundance of creativity last night, all of next week is taken. Including random-post-day Thursday.  And since I didn't want to wait until the Thursday after that to share my happy news, I decided to post on my day off.  (After all, a girl - and a writer - has to have some spontaneity and flexibility in life!)

So, what is so important that I'd use a day off to share it?

Well... I WON!

Yes, I won a giveaway! Since my introduction to the blogosphere, I've entered tons of giveaways - for movie prize packs, promotional stuff, and books, to name a few. (Mostly books.)  But tonight, I received an email stating that I had gotten my very first win!

So what did I win? I'm sure you're dying to know.  (Probably not, but I'm dying to tell you!)


Of course, if you haven't seen Tuesday's post, you probably have no idea how great - how perfect - how ironic it is that my very first giveaway win would be an 'I Love Cheerios' set.  Even if you have read it, my ecstasy at winning these goodies probably seems over the top.

Allow me to explain.

My favorite cereal is Cheerios.  My brothers think I am crazy (and, since my current fave is the Multi-Grain variety and I've been paying attention to food labels, they also think I'm either a health fanatic or on a diet.  Usually they claim both.  I am neither; my attachment to chocolate would not allow for either option.)  My mother indulges my love by keeping at least two boxes each of Honey Nut Cheerios and Multi-Grain Cheerios on hand.  Trust me, they disappear fast.

Also, one of the prizes is a bumble bee antennae headband.  I am known by my family for my unexplainable and slightly unappreciated love for crazy headbands.  Granted, the only pair I own are giraffe antlers/ears from a Korean theme park, but I almost bought the bouncy Minnie Mouse ears. And I always point out unusual headbands to my mother.

In closing, I shall show you the email that started this great joy:

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