Monday, September 26, 2011

Book Review: Culture Shift

Culture Shift by R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
"Albert Mohler is a steady guide, unremittingly clear-headed." - John Piper

Click the cover to buy
In 100 A.D., Christianity was simple.  Not easy - not at all - but simple.  Christ was exactly what He said - the Son of God, the looked-for Messiah - and He had lived among the people for 33 years, died the worst possible criminal's death, and came back to life three days later.  Hundreds of people witnessed Him after this event before He ascended into the clouds with a promise to return.  The early Christians had a lot more persecution and problems than we do, but the biggest 'issues' within the church were those of divorce and choosing deacons and what 'modest' meant.

Today, those problems and issues still face many questions.  However, science, technology, the modern '-isms,' and other factors have dramatically changed the world Christians have to deal with.  Questions and issues the early Christians would never have imagined are now faced by believers daily.  Mr. Mohler writes clearly and, considering the depth and content level, simply for the everyday Christian to understand these problems.

The big problems are addressed: abortion, homosexuality, the corruption of public schooling, and others.  But those aren't the only chapters; important but not as obvious topics such as terrorism, atheism, nuclear war, digital living, and retirement are also addressed.  All topics are presented with a brief and understandable explanation of their origins, meaning, and where they stand in today's world, specifically America.  Mohler then continues to explain what a Christian ought to do and how he ought to approach each question Biblically.

The writing style is a bit more formal and harder to digest than some tenth graders' reading level, but I found it clear, easy to follow and understandable.  The writer also kept my interest, which is slightly impressive for this sort of genre.  This is definitely a good book for anyone looking to grasp modern issues who don't know where to start.  I recommend it to any Christians who are in their teens or early twenties, and also older Christians who are new in the faith.  I'm certainly keeping it as a reference book.

My only problem is the use of non-King James Version Bible quotes and references.  Otherwise, it would get all five stars.  I give this book four and a half stars.

I received this book for free through Waterbrook Multnomah's Blogging for Books Program in exchange for this review. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

A completely unrelated note: this is the 100th post in the history of Struggles of a (Maybe) Teen Author! :) This a landmark for citizens of the blogosphere.

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