Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sidewalk Chalk

Just a note: I was unable, as it turns out, to participate in this event due to housing rules in the area where I live. I'd encourage those who are able to do something, though:  DO!

Today is an important day to me.  Granted, yesterday morning I thought today would just be a typical school day interrupted by an orthodontist appointment and ended with the usual reading and getting-ready-to-write-a-book notes.

But then last night I discovered that today is an important day to the cause that is closest to my heart.  We all have a cause we support - a wrong in the world we fight to right, a campaign or mission that we support and are a part of.  My personal cause is ending the murder of innocent children before their first breath - in other words, stopping abortion.

And today is National Pro-Life Chalk Day.  So today I'll pull out that tub of chalk that's been gathering dust since Bella moved and try to make a difference in the world.

With a handful of chalk and an arsenal of pro-life slogans, you can leave a lasting impression on hundreds or even thousands of people.
Step 1: Pick up sidewalk chalk (Walmart, drug stores, young siblings)
Step 2: Collect your pro-life friends (this is optional, but helpful)
Step 3: Find a heavily trafficked public area
Step 4: Chalk short pro-life messages in large letters everywhere

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