Friday, September 9, 2011

Friendlight Friday

AnnaKate from Just Us Girlz

God has blessed me with so many times that I simply want to jump back into. There are two times that stand out in my memory, however, and strangely enough they both occurred in my mom's home state, Arizona.

The first was about three years ago, when we traveled out for my grandfather's wedding. Jared and I were excited for three reasons, the first being obvious: our Pap-Pa was getting married again! Second, we were finally going to see the family we had heard so much about, the family my mom had grown up with. Third, we were going to the Grand Canyon the day after the wedding.

This is where the moment picks up; I remember driving back from the Canyon, my eyes tracing the long flat lines of the red clay earth that surrounded us.

Read the rest of this post here...

Read more about AnnaKate here...

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