Friday, September 2, 2011

Friendlight Friday

When I vowed to commit myself into an intimate relationship with Him, that
meant I would have to consider if my dreams are a part of His. It sounds like
marriage, actually. That His heart would be my heart. His plans would be my
plans. How his heart beats should be how my heart would also beat. And I would
have to submit and let Him lead, ALL OF THE TIME. Because He is my Lord and my
God, and He loves me and cares for me.

And honestly, thinking about it now… I`ve never been that intimate as I
should, as I have promised. I thought that intimacy with Him meant to follow
orders, to listen to His commands so I would live a good life. I thought
intimacy just meant praying, and singing and sitting on my desk reading the
Bible every morning.

 Read the rest of this post here...

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