Tuesday, September 13, 2011

They Need You

Ways You Can Promote Life...

...For Free (Or dirt cheap):
  • host Abort73 video showings at your home, church, etc.
  • pray
  • fast - give up something, not necessarily food, for a set amount of time and pray - pray lots!
  • wear light pink and baby blue ribbons in remembrance of the lost babies
  • donate your Facebook status to Abolish Abortion
  • Tweet and/or Facebook quotes, statistics, and links to inform your friends and followers
  • share Abort73 photos and videos
  • stay informed about the latest in the abortion and pro-life movements, and the people involved
  • write blog posts, Facebook notes, poems, stories, articles, etc. sharing the truth
  • honor those who would have graduated with you, if not for their tragic deaths
  • volunteer at Pregnancy Crisis Centers
  • vote for politicians who fight to end abortion
  • request books at bookstores and local libraries that tell the truth about abortion
  • set your automatic email signature to include a pro-life phrase and/or link
  • fly the flag half-mast in honor of those killed daily
  • use pro-life cupcakes to remember and open conversations about those who never had a birthday
  • write pro-life messages on public sidewalks with chalk
  • attend prayer vigils, conferences, conventions, and rallies

...With Your Money:
  • place a memorial stone in the local/church cemetary with an inscription honoring those aborted
  • buy an advertisement for Abort73, a local pro-life center/organization, or sharing a pro-life message
  • donate to Abort73 or another pro-life organization
  • buy Abort73 or other pro-life clothing, pins, bags, stickers, flyers, etc.
  • use pro-life checks, notepads, memos, or sticky notes
  • share pro-life booklets, books, phamplets, and other literature
  • sell/give away pro-life clothing, pens, etc. and share information at a booth at a local fair, rally, or other event
  • purchase or donate used books sharing the truth about abortion to local stores and libraries
...During Special Events:
(Note: these are all the events I know of that have online information.  Some are Catholic, Protestant, nondenominational, or secular.  I realize different readers have different beliefs, and share this information for use at your discretion.)

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