Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Life In (Not So) Short Form

Most readers want to know a little something about the bloggers they follow.  I'm no different.  When I'm not sure, based on the most popular or recent posts, whether I'll like a certain blog, I click the 'About Me' button.  It's just a quick description of the person behind the posts, but it often has as much influence as - or more than - the blog description.

And since my character description is so hard for me to write (one of my secret fears is looking bad - not embarrassed bad but proud or haughty bad), I decided for today's random post I'd share my mini-history.  Maybe it will help you grasp me a little better. :)

Here goes:

January 1996 - Born in Panama City, Republic of Panama, on an Air Force Base that no longer exists.  This makes me a Panamanian and American citizen until I turn 18.  Which is cool, except I don't think I can choose to stay both.  I have to pick one.  Personally, I think that stinks.

Around September 1996 (I think) - Mom, Daddy, and eight-month-old (?) me move to Germany.

February 1997 - My brother Edmond (aka Eddie) is born.

Sometime In Between Brothers 1 and 2 - Mom, Daddy, Eddie, and I move to a different area in Germany.

August 1991 - Jonathan (aka Jon) is born.  He is very sick for a while, and very very bald.

Sometime In Between Brother 2 and 3 - Mom, Daddy, Eddie, Jon, and I move to South Dakota.  We join a nice church that is foggy but present in my memory, and meet my best friend's family.

Uncertain Dates - I go to preschool, then on to kindergarten while Eddie starts preschool. (I'm not 100% if this happened before or after the next event. I'm about 90% sure.)

Summer of an Uncertain Year - I go to my first VBS as a kindergartner and receive an award for Most Verses Memorized in kindergarten through third grade, one of my two favorite trophies which still sit on my dresser.

October 2001 - Nicholas (aka Nick) is born.  The baby of the family.  Yes, there is less than a six-year span between all four of us.  Maybe that can explain some of the problems.

Uncertain Date - I go to first grade with Mrs. Rose and advance to the head of my class in reading.  (No surprises there. Daddy actually started me on the regular, unabridged and unaltered version of Black Beauty.  I only got to chapter three, but that's beside the point.)

March 2002(?) - I'm on the ten o'clock news, in my yellow feetie pajamas (remember feetie pajamas!?) with a special about the Dr. Seuss costumes and reading day at my school.

Uncertain Date - My mom's grandma is dying.  We try to drive to Indiana to see her before she passes, but we don't make it.  We stay for a little while and Mom refuses to let me go to the funeral with her.  It's the first time I see my Mom cry, and the first time anybody I know dies.  Also the only time I've cried about a death so far.

October(?) 2003 - The fam moves to Rome, New York.  We join a great church and an amazing homeschool group and rent a rickety two-hundred-year-old, two-story farm house with mice, snakes, flooding, plumbing problems, well problems, and a both-story balcony that has to be shoveled when it snows.  The kids' favorite place so far; the parents' nightmare.  I meet my best friend #2.

Uncertain Date - I get a supporting role in the homeschool play, An American Girl: Felicity.  My best friend #2 stars. :)

September 2005(?) - The kids go to public school for my fourth grade year. The boys love it.  I love the writing focuses my teacher, Mrs. Wolfanger, has.  I don't love the bully in my class.

September 2006(?) - The boys go to the same school.  I am homeschooled again, and get Mom to myself all day.  We go to Curves for P.E. and Little Caesar's for lunch.  I am a very happy child.

October(?) 2006 - Dad is given unaccompanied orders to South Korea.  The whole family is unhappy, but we see him off at the airport that Sunday.  It's the only time I've ever seen my Dad cry, and the second time I've seen my Mom cry.  Also the only time my family has ever cried during church.  I am a very unhappy child.

Uncertain date - Best friend #2 and I have a sleepover, and watch the newly released updated A Little Princess.  It's the first of two times I've ever cried at a movie, and the only time I bawled during a movie.

Uncertain Date - Mom visits Daddy for two weeks, and the kids hang out with best friend #1 and family.  Great times. :)  Plus the first time I watched Rachael Ray!

Uncertain Date - I get one of several main roles in the homeschool play, Amerikids.  Way too much drama surrounding that play.  Most of it was my fault, too.

Uncertain Date - Daddy returns from Korea.  Everyone rejoices.

October 2007 - The fam moves to Okinawa, Japan.  I am very unhappy.  Think moody, over dramatic, lonely twelve-year-old female.  Joined a slightly-too-small (but definitely had its good points) church.  Tried a homeschool group that didn't quite fit our family.  Tried going to the base school.  Met best friend #3.  Had a bunch of cultural experiences, and got to know our Japanese tutor.  Lots of fun stuff, though slightly tainted in my memory by the sour attitude I carried way-too-long.  Met some great friends in a different church's youth group! :)

October 2010 - Finally left Oki and the drama there.  Visited family in Indiana for a month. Fun!

November 2010 - Came to Georgia.  Joined the biggest church we've been to yet.  Saw snow again for the first time since moving to Japan - though not nearly enough for my taste.  Had a rather emotional move, but what move isn't emotional? Especially for a teenager.  Also, met best friend #4.

December 2010 - Christmas.  I left this out so far, but since this was the most recent Christmas, I figured I'd throw it in.  It's my favorite time of the year, hands-down.  I'll be one of those old ladies baking millions of cookies as soon as Thanksgiving is over and breaking out the Andy Williams CDs by October.

Those are just the basics - the highlights with a few random 'little things' mixed in.  :)  Hope it makes sense and helps you understand me a little better.

This was longer than I planned, but then, compositions usually are.  I once had a 700-800 word essay on Queen Elizabeth I.  My rough draft was a 1300-word essay on her early life. :\

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