Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sneak Peeks and an Invitation to You

Hello, lovely readers! I have a bit of a surprise for you...

We'll be having a blog party in a few months!

The party doesn't start until December, but I need help getting ready.  I want to make this party BIG.  Really big - for this blog, anyway.  It might be small stuff for somebody else, but for us this is going to be huge.

I'll be sharing our first guest posts, starting our first giveaways, and possibly having some contests and hops.  The party will go from the middle of December to the middle of January, and it'll be a multi-celebration.  We'll have blogging stuff, Christmas specials, New Years events, birthday stuff, and possibly some cultural holiday spotlights.

But in order to make this party a success, I need your help.  If you're a reader, I need you to spread the word about this blog.  A party isn't a party without guests!  I need people to read the special posts, enter the giveaways, and participate in this event!

If you're also a writer, photographer, or blogger, I need guest posters.  You can write about Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, blogging, birthdays, New Years, or anything else you think fits with this blog or this celebration.  Email me at if you're interested!

This is going to be a big event with lots of firsts for us, and for me personally.  But it can't happen without your help.  Will you tell your friends? Facebook, Twitter, or even put my button on your blog.  I'd love the help!

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